The Stuff Of Thought: Language As A Window Into...
Steven Pinker is a Professor of Psychology at Harvard and has won prizes for his work on visual cognition and the psychology of language. This book is subtitled \"Language as a Window into Human Nature,\" and a wide, clear, picture window it is.
The Stuff of Thought is subtitled Language as a Window intoHuman Nature and deals with meaning and some usage conventions, or -to apply linguistic terms - with semantics and pragmatics of thelanguage. Those who get bored by or lost in the more intricate details ofgrammar, syntax and word construction but feel ready to go beyondsurprised wondering why do we say that would do well to read thisbook, but it goes well beyond the linguistic and truly fulfils its titlepromise of providing a window into how the mind works, how human beingsperceive, classify and order the world, what they value and how theyinteract with each other. Of course, not every aspect of mentalfunctioning is exhibited in the language, but we are a garrulous speciesand a lot can be read about us from the way we use words.
He also noted that language can serve as a window into social relations. \"Why are bribes, requests, seductions, solicitations and threats so often veiled, when both parties know exactly what they mean\" he asked. He described how indirect speech, such as sexual come-ons, can be useful for people who want to convey messages but are unsure about their relationship. 59ce067264