Titty Titty Gang Bang Vol 1
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Big Titty blonde Nathaly Cherie takes on 4 big black cocks in this dark dick gang bang where Cherie gets 4 loads of steaming white cum in this hot interracial fuck fest! Full Flick at PrivateBlack.com
mrfrryrTrr x xxf V XT W Vi\"i tlK ! I TM lA IlCi INusW lVlllY OUlli IYVEU.NESDaT MORSUia, OCT. 1, 1J.PA Vtacry U.fit tgUtitloB trf nnder the lawftntddnttcg tilt ls.it ton of the lgWaturw,rXDtnesced jostetday, anil lb rerun or par npcrtwt' oboj-tlori t gitialo cur local colnmB. A MtfebobglltgUweooid hardly bareVm devli-d, and U.e fin ettBit to carry catt ptvUlrtu nrul H lw glaring defect. InlrfWi''irt)ldi an act to prevsntfrsadeleat vo'lnr. Bight \" rropw'r \"called o ic to obstruct cHtcu. In tb txeroleef the elective fiancbire. bo C'nuillci'frt, vl,tnteaiapar '1 bbcur ws !' irovUiontlthttv doubt If on tgw'r la ton m'ewwl uponhi ktttr joaerasy wltb a dear understandingOf bin powers at A Jatk.Etb tbU)lil liTO rn BIibl l tpfcnd tad 'WctUr rlf'lln ll ltloni hbi tlvK toiS f lnsfDC, II hUi Mltonf ConM \"boiM ih l do.tinned k.t b' !irt-rni flifluM lo Ml Mli.fp.ctor.ifH.cil.-ri.' ibr.Ki.iat tb UU'y r \" Ino''\"! '1 M 'ctla prOTkUr ff 'kolr oppolntmoiil lr IUSopnfco, Mj th' h non tbnMD f\"rachrltdloi l!Hc-. urmU'wiho toiw'ort ofocbWe'l'nd-trlit f.M.TM lhf.r, andnulU nbMt.rooil.inwdlBlhoiriUooo.' Uolla br rc'lBt llio Inuf0 lnftlcti thattk.y r In be Jiwwc'pm oriljr fur lliepurpow 1DOilncp lb trgfrlnllnu lint, lifnee 4f(crrrtl jvliikiJ t't'tira hat rtecMe.1 loumnCfl-;Uordtlrci tnojtc ore ond Caiiraiireriof olcUon, Mbtfrfff,Another frttu'f .f ih U, lo which ttonUoo bad Kot tn much dirrclrd. wm doteUpwdTwttdT. lb Iu.tort or BKatrni arWquticd to I'frr, at thnir first meetlug, \"Ibo Daman of all troni re'ijla latbeirtltetlotirtMnc, wh namM apir 00tbepoll Hot krpl in 11M dial riot at tha tautgnurol lctlin.\" 1\"o orx llat tha laatkil4 (JtcloD il mrant ; and ac'lng opin tbtIdM, tba Cotinty (,'Urk fumlnhad to tba bfyUtnra oopWi 1 tho M n taVro at thi NoTMnrr tletlm of lat jur. Dut It nt aomdWMd tbat tb ranllr lima did not cbtaln tba namna of all tba Idga! TOtart then r(U1K In tha cral d'rtricla. S.ckoriK, LuljifM or Umirarj ahrnc. fr..m honi, proventabandrodf fn-m Toting In Ni.Tfmfwr, Ilia pullData f tha Charter e)ci!on In t. aormbor wnuldhrnlrb aid la rn.kltii a complete rahlratlnn,bat It a Count;- Oerk la tot aathorUad to furslab thrm.Ihvii, tba gtrrral ImprtMlon In tha popularmind tbat all who voted at \"lie lait election\"tbat la, the flrctli.n In DrcetoUr-will !re(rlterod without their (gating jierainally,U an rrrpbeoua one, and mT caumi much duikppolatneiit and ronfuklon. Thona wboTotwl laDocmbrr,but did not ro'e at tho preceiling St a aelection, ahnuld iwe to ll tliat their namea arautartd ejon the lliti. It will rare tbemtroaUe on eliclton day. It would, however,be a momtrr laliur to point out all the cruditiesajtd dtftcte of tie taw. brpuUicana, Am'riCans Urniocrata all In fact, withnutdia Inc. Ionof pari.\", wbo Tial'ed ih .loi of regli ry yetttardaj, declared tha law au aboTllvn, and lUirartlcal woiklojc a force.Some of tha ItllllamaburKh Beufolrarv, kleeoil, got tcO more deeply LefogaOil, SI tetbelr dutlne undir the law, than eteoaurNewTotkers. 1 bey could rot d.fcnver theirauthvrllyIn tba law for entering on their litte, at theirlint nmtlog, the namer of cttuens not found latbe poH liH of laat ) ear; ruch cillzeoa aplylag for rvghiration wera cent away with Idtniction to come again when the Ccglitraraweuld arret Incorrect the liata. Now, laughable a thia action appear, llere Li nothing intbe law pofltholr reuirlng the Krgitrar toeater, at tbrir firrt nice ing, namex not feund ontba poll liata. Ihe laugh, therefore, must beagaiott the law, and not af au.at the Mltliamsburjh \"ktiict coDMiuctlniilitii.\" Altogelborthis rrgti.lraiy law exluMta the wlndora tudlrHntlve ta'crt (f our Albany ruler, In amanner snyth'ng but cridital.'o, UM1 thiscity alone it eill impo.c an cxjwnM ef not le-lUan 3COM.The lluprf't terry Allalr.Tbe very roufu-o.1 characierof the flret report! of tbe ki of iuleneeand loaurrcctloncommitted at Harper' ferry, ju.le. tbe public, L'i tauM-.l im.rU anxiety to leara thetruth. Thedi,eichii wbicti wopultiU to-.'iyLe owre lUht mi I bin 'ri.nie atfiir, aul themotive of ita aulbiu. Wo are not, however,yet In a ptallon to iUo arcura'ely i.f I lietiiatter. A oont;ltle anf.c reem a at tho col tUiel 01-ineiil iJ Ibo outbreak to live stU-d thetiitndof all in the ti li.lboi1iol, aui intlulralarm they iimi:illLd their daiiger, and thenumber of Ihe ui.iir,vMia.Thai tbe.ls-ii n. to .11 mire ardexcl'e aMate rerol', in an opinion cfinnri-.l hv oor lateat dmi-a'taefc, Imi tbuc iiplrer e IJontlIuJnot exte.ie i.iuiflriioii. 1 1. ere ar.i, ooinparatlvtly, lew lenra 'tt llafper'a 1.T', whichla a ftnull ton\", at the jui.e ion of tho i'olonucaudbhwamlo, rucr. hii.1 i.i-ur the bo in 'areline Uteeon Jl.n land end Ylrlni.1. Htr or'aI'enjr vraa pr liably clio.cn by 1L0 11111.I amli raof tbe tllr, tbecene cf the cutbrrnk, b.cauhe it coi.tnlm a Ui.iirl Male Armory I11wbuh niii'V tliou and 'mi. of arnu are imiallykejt, and from which tl\"5 hit'irgonti could supply tbemrthca villi v iii,Tbua, oue of the first atop of the hiurgontiWM to (\"lie tho Arsenal inj B3,ipl tho negroea,wbon they prrssM lo join tbt ui, wlili axi.is. ItUb't'ed, iiu!vel, that the ouibiaA us pieruuture, be'ng origlcklly liio.1 fur tbn 'Jltli of ()..tober, ami tbat tbe eci.ure cf the Araenal on thilday w a to be the eignxlfor a general rielng itbe alavta la Mar) land and Virginia. Tli storymay la true, but It la fir i')4 probalio thattbe only naa,lrat'ra were a few rra.ej fanuilcaled by \"Oli Daov. ,\" of Kansas notoriety.IUUj Lau.il.jera Na Crlaa.Polick Juatice ObliOHNK, yeaierdiy give adcclalon, dUii.iMi.igt',ecom(ilaI'itagainatyouiijLAva, the iiulilng llauk tlork. At the closeof a very preteu'lous o, iijjn, our LIglJy Dio'llFolic Justice saya;\"I fed compelled to .'. .'are tliat a'thotvl' fie prls.oner Las uu)teatiiqi.oi. ,mi'.ti. a gmt, m.a!fr4, idolujt ret fiat a ia mads n m.ifamenable to a crlminaj uMoi.iionftiilijv.x.ttaorctore dlaobarge bint (row c tatoij.\"hereafter, wben Bank CtorLi and o'lin .propi lite, by nil ana of false entries, &c , theirample; er' i..uni to their out u .0, their cjiduit rosy be cba.\"sc'cried aa a \"grot moralfiiud,\" bht not sa crijili.aJ. Wbo would nol bea Ilat.ii Clerk bile vie bay Onnonvi: to isterprut our crini'insl lairs!liter fiwoi Btt Ayrta,Br aa ,jn,,j ,t this port, we have sdilcoJrm llueuoa A; res to lbs HCb of At'cuat, oneweek Uu, iha prevloss'.y recoKed. Ail atUrn, tU break . lU Ui ln iuh by tlio polM.talaal criminal TrW)nw, ,a lU, , beffljctually ..pnawi. ! be Argent ..bAd.nr.flrt0e..o. 4,,M, Mm, fU!)(, Uibeta exchangt V Utwern ..u, tt Ul, u Mi, Buno Ayreua stesmtr, uA Wr lbs ma .had aaded for t!w present.TbeDuawjaAyiuaCoiiiniai fat 7\". met myi u . , Imuat Xelb iJImt U M .DtevUlto i- i fi ' -, Irun npun m aaa, n boiiao was l.w to rtv, (u .rtuidd by aa I Tenet v'Krwd. bi inxrn olipsi.rbh lo be exot (et, but ni4wttLUudiaf tluUnvvduiwy praawi re, g Id aeema to be a pluuU'uatveroo tUUo.'UJ.teia. XL fbrxw baa boon d aouvorrd auj wr.(l, UiiJUi fjiu th Itanuy witufrusb pianolas' In tl y .Sou. II i ca tain ofSi suVb voaael which baa for aom Une been plytauVtmcnlbia and U, Ur U ia auppM..! lbsIU bouue were 1 ado. ll I said thai Uw coala ofevident) la em IK, and e-til uuvlct bota til) capU a aud Uui t . l.Hrii-'Btbaalv I. ej i ' dn ti a 1.Dttlt - U e Ml Mr . , Ji, U t, yi..w i'M.Vr\" ,n \"i\" ,,! rf -. d.mer,d-d Litet-ortslnpu suairwof ord-rsfrom ll e bene g ry.tniirilMllDMiUMllb .' ,iwjw wt nm VK'll-tied offe'r Oct having yet reached nay eatuitacioiyterminal loa.ruiMnin hiiim,OartrdtyeTsnlng Cot, sol a Feu, ef the n!sdo, j orbnw.er Allan Osrjiner, addreavd 4 anntniioUbcUi lbs American Church, on theur,t,gtt. role-ton. Leafing Keppel lelon., theIt ,4 the Bl-ovvn Station, to Itrimatmt, h heat upth Brag 1 Stte U, freernea I y laodtng Mi berUdugwith ib'IVMift.r such curt ottn tlJ-y !, t'dnn returning hrgM with Mm om natives, of wbota It In hoped It at surh 1001,0 iyletxertrd trsy mstelhent nee'nl In fiirtrer Intercourse hh U.e win Inb-e lo' ehltln- th Wendof Tie-rodei Fogn. tl e'en hit '\"\"'\" ,T!!TV rer .1 0. . ton iHmtl i 1\" ,J2vV'ttc Msge'Ws (Wrens, who ''ri-. iIV;5SnirI'., India's nf farnie \" \" \"\"Isamirjtbi-lrUer'aar. etiawawa, . .CaiKUD KIX eaMrotet -ml rrftnente of lrr.ncrebn.wfn.T.rr.del rpa,.intiy eoaUluUi j \"rtylarir.re.ata(rfHire oUl.J, w fablratllB.ll.rrr.os llura riR Tile I'oOK. Mew. re. Ilarjor A OnUere, rubllif era.This b a well got up volume, witb eight llloe-t-ati.ns, oilgii.aly written to be read at thNee ll w;s Lodging Hon, la this d y, for thparinaeof pttsmduig them to seek homes Intbe V- eat.A Lirr mn a Lirr. Ilr the author of \"JoVnll.ifat, (1. 01 u.\" \"Agu a'a Uiehaod,\" Ac,Ac Nswlursi llrr a llrUitis, I'ubUbera.lbauibrof this work baa beowme almosta favirably knaan aa Jamm, tbe novetlat.lie wrl es easily, (.leakanlly, and upon borneaulj eta.Tub sftMana' VTooiioj. Pj Unrriri Rwhirhtrnrt. NrwYotk. Daauf k J.oao, fubli.bera. Although a book not destined to create thefarire which attend the Ueueof \"Unc'e Toaj,'.It Is one which wll not lack earneet admirers.Like 1 hat aarrative, aioet vf Its Keoe are domestic ones, and such aa are seen la every-day lifethroughout all New Kngland, but unlike It, lldots not fix upon any gnat questions of the day,and any Interest derived must be portly from Itsmeilts cf eu'borsblp.btvioCnrrtsnn-n. Tbls work nfCsiHM MiotaajaU re) ubllbMl iu S'K S of rsrssaori't uulf ria edition (4 bi novels.Uontv's Lant'a Pool Tbe November number IslaaiMd.All- vni Yui Koran. The nun.ber for Saturday,Oct N'h, 1a yiibJiahd by J. M. t-aauoH A Co., IIl'a;k K.w.The Hews bj Telegraph,tfnttU Ttlffraph Ofif't, It: el Won ttrft tintAUor Uifiity main ntVasuia,Tbe Barptrs' Ffrry Rerolt,Tha InftufenU SUparMd.Numbers Killed and Wounded.r. a. ritoorsrunsuiso the eauiTima,1.Two IUaleader ArrastederaVaH.KANSArtBaBN IN VflB FUAT.old woir.v the aesKiui. ik chiefVrTUEKlOTKRI.latereatlag Dtlatte at th Affair.(stroav poKTiecvj) raoa rternnar )When our report cloned, yesterday, the Govern.mem, niAie, ano vnunieer iriMij, lwi juiamvaat ILe mm of the ri.4. aid were nanolnir an esters n Die rid. ra. We fire thm diajiatcbe a Ibeybare o me to baiet.Huitimort, ttct. 17. The Uovernment ara taking-prrrfHli nos In tbe preaa d apatcSecA.I rMor rmw Hvltiir, are hMiraavled in the enfrtnhiaiae In theArroiirj enclur. A number of oltlseua are ImpiUnuid wttb tbuu, whom they reliue toretraiie.rvvrral cltUrna bare been killed a also severalfilters.The town ha t-een taken p-amemlun of by severale.4oisjiles uf t'har eeton, dbepiatrdtou, Va., andKf J.r.k. Tbe rl'leie aie entie-chidlu tbe Arm -ryttbrbold Mr. WaehUiKbin aud Mr Lntf-nWJanprUainets. TUe li.a.irnctlouiats are oomruaudedty C'at. Diown.of Kansa note 'oty t tbi.y uunila rrd ortgtt al'y it white um n aud ' ueaniee, severaltaTtbim were ahttwo men of tbe Ma'tlostmrgcnopaoy eh. t dead wHlrt charifln; In the Arneny. Atleu Kts a. or e of the Inatirn ctloiibtt, la dj.li.K-.be la from torn erbctil. Us says tbe wbolercl en e we g t up by Ilrown.Hire 10 la-reotisaro knowu to have lieen kd'ej.r'oai.tltu flreakbam, lUUrtiMl Agent, was abutdeed fruni the Aimory.Three ilotora ar lying d ad undor the bri tg.It if te,rtod tbat tee i.4ra lu carried oS aomialibiaole amouiitia Oovf rurnont fun laUart'$ firry, Orfuoe A M -Tl e battlewfi t. uubt main y t y tho kliioitd i..ia:aii.iitcutnHaMaitliiabi k, led l.y t'e tin A uiut. t'.a Int.atT,c4iftiict.rt es killed, and c..u4ut.ra ItiwH&enn0 IU11.STT woiindeil. N dao.aKe wm noae tetlieratr alr Intge It I fvnilit th n..tr wia1 Lui g as e..n ta ibry aie csptuitd, la tbe morn.ug.JlHrjvrt rmp, Oiloltr 1- A. M reparatlot.a rw niakirg U t au eftui k on tiui Ain try. Tnasoloiera an- ail aoutirt the r ui.ibi, a.id br the la Ih.ainv r)ihni tifs hm.n iiitit- Tl rt..teia barestill tl e f.il owit g prrflons lu tl elr po-eeaalou ; AsvMtAKlltiuc imi Uiai.gl txeaktlliv Armmvi llx14WI4 t'lli a. Maxtor ol the Artlrf.ir l .lour. P. IIAfiaIUMS.IS )') ll.-t ' I Cleh. Ijieis WahiiimOIo, afnrn e ar 11 1 roui.imet rlt ten 1 Jihin At laratrr, Ur.11 er and but, n eiltren y era old. The thrve lay,!luuri tl wen auiuid ou tUmr tar ua, aoteral ml o fiouttie terty.llnrjor't AVpry, t. 1 8 A. .V he Armori baa K u itoru id anct take arier a dfiMrale ro.ai.talitv I imii I rti'VTT a)..r.tM!Uil wits a Hag tJttr 1 , ai.a a. f iieimui a auirriol'i. Alter eio-ntu.lalir f sifli.e t'nii\", tne r olem refuaed to ati'ret .Irrlien ahnr aynane utottieotiarue, ami indessn-idto l.rt-ak tLed.M r down with aiidtfe hamiiira, hutIt riH.teJ 0:1 in. urillru AlvKiuler wantiu-ulu.iias a la.wilng rain, ami tie d.air gav way,Tbe rMora 111 al l'i1aly, aul ali. three 14 in iuaruns, tl.amailuf firing lu ti ru Urouvb the parityI n kn. ds r. Th.. ria.liics thei fireej t r. Ir waytbn iifib the break, aud hi a few in.ut.te luaaUmrswaeal in end. lnerl.aV.ra wrihr.-i(titout a uid tdie l oat Intriiio eauiti una-t, uuj of the luUitiajne'tot ryxiy to git u o.piituu:tt to about ttnui.(liiiuoa I'm-ka, a gialiiate ol Wiat Point, and01 e oft1 1 in et ilWhiJo'llKt c.taeiia in this vtcbilty,vaaJut jeeo-rday MUt c nn.ug IlI tne tou.Hoi., i' .kjdur ng ttenlrb. lLneof t'.o rhrteiaaie li 1. if d. ad In tiv etna w IhriMi mm lying dead inthe live', aul aevera' are .l. t hi hli.g .tHaluAnuot, eiKl'euo. Tno f. ovlnfr U a Ut of ttiokllleii einoTig the eitirtna and auldiers. aa far aaaceitaliud' r'.'i'NTAin liattsiuw, llAiwoorsaegroiaitii at tbe rtutrosd et-teu, Jimkiii nuaNi-ar,a lla-per'n Ktiry, Kva-i I'-.ui 1 sod Uao. Ilioiuao.son, ot alettinabiiig. Au.tbri i totor, a uegr 1 i.aui.'dLrl Liasi, lias Jo! .luJ, be eiufu md it tlieititinila-sof tlio l.t-.t. wblcb . says waa eon -ted.y Itiioef, at a fair brld pi O.ilo tanmontiia ag1hmtrsbaveiiut aent nil 1 dag ia Iruou, ojilea tbat ifu.n priiaited by tbe ailtlsis al picjeutbuie, tbty wl I bang all they rapture.tlitBlii llncaa and lit sin wr re In th aht. Tlialatter la diod ami tho former l.ln a .lli 1, auto, lieh.'n tlr aTivoi-yt .elomirr, U.oJInir I'nely 1 be earsbo taildO-faaelton , liuowii, whjee frutaln Kanaaalia.abat aocbv-lls r tee, that hbi wb ile oBe.itaa to f rue the sierra fid leal lix bla aetunt. 'lisaata bo I ad imi. loa of ti.e t iwi. and s ai'd haremiirert t all the pei.pie, and that he liu been mor.d red lu ttuni.J. a. A iraos a tin ah 4 d nro In the oa. Ulie a f oiu C..uiuh'tioi t. The died rnly of a man,klU.l yo-duuav. was found withlu tbe armorv.PooAhJ lanes tbat thee was uireeor' rid In lbspiotb'd thore aci'oniiiai'Tir Um. lb- prleoaereaie dt'tabi id lu cnat.y 1tliiu tbe Arutoty ourloa-ure.IWfhi'r w, fiifolrr 1 Tliere la Ittenae exott.merit lot' U city. Mul n41ilnj la a'ko.l of b.t theInaiui.itl n. tl. anal BTitkT, tlirungb UovsruaV in, la M 1 1 11 -uted rui onb. to cnuertl J. vf.WiTKrJ- ot tbh t , bi pui . e, c-i'iij, an I ruot'LtIniianllb , a bod of nu 1 'r axrvlec In the 1110 .taJns 1 ear Uarrr' . I'lSTy, alire many of the In, riiitabar takenrtfig The tro.raj will loav Ihuian Timor (.. mr Ta ps ted tbe Itetty llocitl 'a m in, iu, i be way t fie aoat uf war. ThreeaitiUry pi , . tat arrivod Uus aao: uliig, a.id are..lutitcit-d ul I at U.li.m7,wt!ugo.ders.llirjxr'f r ry, O (vb.r 1 own jn alsrll u tl 1 11 1 .1, ot fio Ainuory, four d. a 1 b.Klt of luri.gr. ti, t.'i .tuilay, wv, fiui d ;ibin tUonolivjtv. tj ...M tio .si.d his a n icie ctanert'Utljwau 1 tiii'y t voof the ineMiirnit ure uuwiaiiidcl lh.li ' 1 ' s nre 1 1 m 1 . tji rirti, e whitemau IrvM 1 ia, aid eaut le (iatiN, ocbireu, tiuiulinsk. 'luiiily ..iihIiio.' tvni.K' dof teoty-tvroJiiteJ', 01 Li 11 .(tea a-i. ku.j', tiyj inittaylU'iii1'.!, trro h. Uno urNiit, aud I' roe nt'i olTwltl. alatoei sion.Aj ui. .01 j.oonuf'tf tbuaa ault ou the Arnvwy, ., Trbigtokp'acol mtbe biilaoulUr Vi iiidah.ieseup.nxwitibe aa Coo and I la uty, '-h (liuiMia.ibi 1 1011 Ing. II was leturuui w th a.iutralvilt.y,bi bvi' jaitieeaere tuo iDt.. 1 ldjddn140. A c u.panj .f isnt J ram La s n m pursuit0. llefii) tla.it, I litre aw prtlaUy l.iviarpia. men1 . r., Ti j I rii 1. .i , u'l iig la all a'a'il, from 'l, l.U .c . .in.'indL ,1 ooixt y,IU IT 0 IVUOMl LTI.In '' '! Vt 1 . -TU S vr tare of V'ar t'JaV '\"0.B- r' \"' -\"I arrap'ilc dlaiatt 11 from c.' on 4', urlnrru. -i ak. asi larlliatb call.1 upothe mrfi , u t , r..adrlintlierirti hiiao\"'\"'\"\"\"' grotuvda, tj aurrend t, tromlilii4 tlil.. t u, u, j ,,.a y Wieg 0( llf ,.f Jml t j,iatul'i '..\"i ' 'l\"bfl.lJ'Uwaiunliilij oidsrIJi a. V -. \" a t,,i !\" a were ui Uu) 1.Ti. u ltur4iserta.J tLtfi-t .J '\" \"\"\" i.wrani arnaar, V - w aa \"\"WIVllll S-1AJO U1Ufir \" l'!hl. . lb emTmaTkO'.Urf t0 M th ri.4. ri .Va.\" '. -\".'\" \"1dcr. Two i lb .uuiLi. a .rr. v, m4fl , ,'',fVn : .'fi. Ii I 1 a ; 1,-4,f.ieMiicrt sr.erl.tthtf wltLrtbtrrrlionsr,TbTStf. rfe-rUt I a, n J .order for. iraVutyvee, xz1;7'Prwno-entofKl'-'n.orsan4 Ohio KanreadwTr.rto\"ew Vo-k .t-ltbe l-nrreotjoj U erwJiX,'ZrUa.d Atlthemrtlaweaie killed ar ar.;\"7,Y 'JL u ll frva'Kl.l and paaaenirrr tralra ar run.Z. with regiJarHy and lety. No llamanlalaietauy portion of tbe railway track,tiaioaer pnrty.Jloiitmntf. Oct. 1 P. if. The Tenr-sylvanlsriirieforaof le llatimnre and tlhio Kolinavt ctHaittvhurg, tbta morn'ng, 'or tht city. Travel Usew i.sruBod on the road, and the train are runningnuai y.(raeiMAtTAKia Faowa' wounds are ajt cnnalderxt mmrai. Ooei tie rUitere klbed w namedfrrjast Taru.a J. O. Aaotmeon, en of the ringlear)e,aibnri)adlliaiduu.ir Iiaita, veaierday,we kl til duiiog th find attack by the Virglniaiia.Ilewaaafiue axking man. with a flowlag whitsteaid. fr-aire of tbe alary isimI Volunteers ore in pursuit vt Captala Ooa's tarty. A twgro, namedOsaiut, Ircui Uarilrburg, ai.d wh was eonaplnuo islo the tugltlvs ale r la tlat edy some j eats agn,wo aueg the Insurgent.ItiaapjiihMrd.d In view ia the fact, that tho President b autlmnard the mil Wry to eirane th Ineurents In Mher btat.e if n-e.-a.ary, that there maybe d ftVsilty acrrsw pr-Bosylt aala and Ohio Unee.Narjrer ' Vrry, l. l- Aaf. Th 8-c-attryra ta ar ha t leg aiieri to 4. Ian, that Mr. Otto,lnrtrtct Atloi-nr y, f.T the DletrHV of Uolumtaa, will) need foithwilh lo !!'-, Keiry, to lak chsrgeif tho 1' a' ptoreedlugs egoliiat tbe p'Uonera, ai.dbiU'J!bf4l)roibA train ta now (fitting r. ady lo ernvry (tomes andmen to pursue lie rlira Int\" auyMaUor Iwa'lty,where they may hart Bed. Tht la bv order of thePrvaldebt at tbe re.piet of Governor Wi-iB.AaMwrorr, OcL 1 . tl An eye erttneas, wbobo ntuiud fnea Harper's farry, descrttmi tbewet e U err a f4lowe l\" The first a'terk was mad by a rtetaehmetil of theCbarteetinen Una d,wbtcb enaaaed tbe TotaiiM Riveraliove lUr)M' Ty. ru.d rracbed a building wheretbr Irmt'gr i.u .r piaited by lb eanal \"u the Maryland eld. Boiait firmg orurtaal, and th rioterswet diivrnfnm tbe bridge. Oue ma was klllelb re, sod su4ner was arrtarted. A man ran out andtried to recti by swimming the rlre-i a d.eastu re Bred after him I be partialis fell, bit nepie, threw Lie gun away, an draw I la pistole, butla 4b ev&tdl be drew bis bowie-buife, and cut hishrsvy aoc-intreoieiitaiaT aird plunged tuto tbe river,otuo' tlir ooldlera aa about tin fuel behindi thaa an turntd round, threw up bU hau.lt, and said,'d..'lehi4,\"tti a.4der fired, and tb. mtnfeUinttbe water, with bla faoa blown away. Iliao ttaalitwere ci t fnm bis ieraon, and la the pocket woefound a Ceptalu' o mimaatim, to Capl H IL Laause, fnrmtie pporiehibol govenuiierit. Tb e-mt-ntuettiaiwo dakd Oct 1Mb. HO, a..d urB.xl by A.f flaowsu C, nmaiiderlo-CbUM of tb army of tbsiirovteMil governmeiit uf the I' a ted gtaterA -ty uf fiv a tb braurgenta, ariaed witbmlale rirle, and pd In tb rifl Armory, wereeii,lldb tba Cbarleab.wn guard They all ranf. ti e rtvi r. and oue, wbo woe unable to swim, wasdrnwied. Tbe other four ewsaa out to the rocks tatie Bjfcfcil of lb Bbeuandoak, and fired upntbitdrtnaand Cnxi taion lb lonka. Tbt dtewnaA Uem the muakrt of between two andtui-r tundnd men, and not lean tba fourbrindrrd ebote were fired at tbera from Harper'sIVm, abouttwobundnd ytrtiadutaijl. On woDually eeut drttdi Ibesecr ,a reitM, alternated tojuo p over tire dam, but felt abort! and sen ma seeaoitorworoei to tnua woa ooaiy wouuoa, ana therenaming on weatokan auliarmed. Ihe white Ineurgeot wounded ai d eartured, dud la a few moment after. In the arma tat our Informant; he wasobi thnatgh tbebreaat and aboob. He deelaree, tbat there were only nineteen whitea engagedIn th kiaurrw-tlon\"Pur arorly an hour a running and random firingwas ki 4 op by tbe tro pa ogalaai tb rtosera. Several were abot down, and many managed So limp awaywounded. Irurtng tbe firing tbe wotnea and ehiblrenran ahrlrbtng la every direction, but when theylearned that the asMlere were tbetr prutoctont. theytook eourag and did goal aervloe ut tbe way in pretartng rf reabavnta and artendlng the wtruiided.'Our Informant, wbo waa on th bill wben the firingwaa greng on, saya all the Urrtble eoenes of a battltaed tn reality Ubir hi arte. Boldleve ooiild beae a irauUig alugiy and In otiilea, aad the erack ofaniuaketor nfle waa avneraily followed by one ormore uf tlie t&aurgentt biting the dual. The dea 1lay in tha atrret where tbej tod. Tbe woursded woreeared f a.A body nf 44 mottt b-d men left Baltimore this afternoon, for llarper'a Ferry, lo put-ma tit rtiAere. Itla rr ported thai many bare eec sd, and ar aeonrtudIn the mountain,r.tilttntr: Oft. It I r. AT Tb IUrtlmot Infai.lrj Tneiat liaee Juet amveil, and ar now marching to tha Armnrteo. Their eervlee wore no loegern.ulred al Uants Ferry, Ute Oiereruoent and Virgil la troo'a being amply aufflcLan! for all emergencies. Tbe report of the it mrrtVan con ntenoe wtlh a notice of tbe oelaUialora The principal originator oftub ehoit bulbioody Insurrection waa uuiurabudtytl. Jin Bsowe. wb.ie ooapeetk with seen ofvli'leno In the border warfare In Ktnaa mad hutname 'anul'arly ru4ortona thnajghont the whole country. BanwK mad bla drat appearono la llarper'aFerry more than a yrar ago, aooomatnled by hitwo eon, all three of them eatrumtne; the nam raStart a. Ile lrqLiitd about laud la tbe vicinity, andmode Inveailgat.ona aa to In probability of find logorva their, and for aom Urn boarded algaudvIN It t, a inUe taat of tbe ferry.After ou abavoco of some month, tbe elder Tteowareap) and In tbe lclultr,and tented or kaaed a farmon tba Maryland ehle, aUeit 'our mtlee fmrn U.eFerry. Tiny lanigbt a large numlwr of lacks andspedea, and this ooi.Bm ed Ihe bellif that they uwUtdidto mine (old, aa they were frequrntly eeein and alaiiit Uarr'a 1'eny, but no ausptui.ru seemsto bare txUttd that \" IliiL Be Tu wo taalaDsowir, or that he Intended eaibaikiug la any raovetuit t so dreptraU or sitrsordltary. Yet the develrr)a mr nt o( t' e tot Iran a no douoi that bla vlaltt tel'rasr, and but lease of the farm, were all partithe prettftretfatt, hlch, be mlpi. eed, w.eild Ire ancoeaviid In eitrriidnatlng slarety in Marylaud audYf.etirn Viigtina.litowa'a cbi.a\" si I waa Joni E. Otos, a eomptratirey yietng mar, who ho r.si.1 d In ai.d nearIVriy Hi4Tie year lie wa Hrat emulojed la tottdiBglook on the raial, and atereanbt l.tie-ht aoh.xit ontli ttaryand .deof the river, and aft 'r a brief rere bnoe la Ksne, wlieea 11 la eupoe d be bees'aiiiiaiuted with Hsuwn, rcturiud to IVrry anduutrlieil there. lie waa teaarded a a otaa ol a. maIt bl bjone-, and tauwnto I auti-e arery, but was1., no i.iciti in rue expietutioti ui ni optuion aa te .-ile any aua V 1ih.s.Tin ee two inra, with Itoowe'e two sont, were theonly white men o.Min-t1 w tn the Insutreotloo thatban li a M.n ale,t Perry All were t.r ujht byPaown ftran a datat.ee, and nearly all bad beenwllk hint lu Krai usi1 1 e 11 et ai t ve m..f emetit In th IrijiBrmitiim waato ate aUatt halt-r out ten o'coikon S'tuday night.VTujiAai WiulAan, the watchman at tlarr'I'errv H. IJr, whlel wolklni ei'nwa tnwaid tbsMatjleuil stile. wsarelxtMl by anouiherof m n, wbia.d he w ta O-i Ir pnaoner,Aitd utuat oaat with them.He rroen-bied Ua e ana Otia aaiotig tea uien, audkltoalrg tl era. tesn d tl e mailer as a Joke, but enforcing a lcl.ee, Imy conducted him to the Ar.norv,which hefotiml alnaly In their loae-aston lie wasi telned until after daylight, aud th n dmcliargert.Tie wah'hman who waa ti relieve tr7uj.iAUro atnil.li.lj'l t, f.ajnJ the bridge lights all out, and wasIn meoatit ly a. ixcd. Suiauing It aa alt iut'4 at r.bery le l.nL aeay, and bla pursuers atuiubluigovur hint, he eaca,axl Tbe oett arpearance uf theli aunettl.ilrta waa at the h ntaeis Oolonr4 l.ewieWasium to, a 1 irge far er and alaen holder livingaboi t four in lie f n in the ferry. A i ty, beaded byCo\"t, roroitlrd tla-re and roueed Oil. Wa-iiiuto-,totdliini he was their pmeinar, Ile alia.al allIhe khivie uur tl louae, and took a car !-,bun rand a la go waon with two lioraea. Vudut'4. VYAaiiiNuTun aa Cook, ho trnrueduub ly recogiib oil bim aa the inau who halca'led Uion hima,vrrie lm tha prvvloua, to whom le bad rsrttbtedwan va'uahle anna In his rroaaewaluo, Inolnduig enautlipie awoi.t, prwt.t d by Fsai.asiica tba Ureallells-.tes tAoii.Tvia, ant a pair i-f pl.t .Is, pre.hont,d by itrairrrs Vt WAbtiiNvTon, teitb b'ngbeir-haai.s In tbe faun'y. U.ifw leariun, Ona.ai ted C. i. Vt. bi ewgai,- In a trial of skill at a'tmitlug, and eibi'ilttd rotiiddetaS'e oettAlaty as a markan.an. AVben he ma-le tbe vlatl aa Hutiday nlgbt, bea.lu.lod n hb pervi.Hi visit, out tlie oourteey wttkw bleu he had t ten trroted, an.1 giette.1 the nee 'aslty wbu-h nin'elt hladutj to arrest C a. Vf, tie,boeever, toot advoatageei tbe knowtwlg he kodot tolntd by bia foiTusr vUl, to carry t ffoll the va'ualJe ouUu Ciu irf amis, hi. k h did uot reibtoin,tuiaiuitir i ai uvtoar,ut sue maerioeuou.F otn Lot. N tauuwvon'a h pruontd.id w tb Mmaapna.aM.i n tie oamage, aad twalvsof bis uegraai In tits Agi.u bt tie hone of Mr, Alutadt.Urge titruirr u the name rood. Mr, Acjjtakt an 1tile m, a IjC i aituyu, we-e Hkon prlaonera, and alltheir necrora within r. ci, f iroe.1 to Join th movem sit ltd in rett ihedt rtli Aimory at the Ferry,AU thr-a. uu n rucntj eertn 1 1 have beau uiade will.mill .clllttc the alinliteat eiann In towu, uot did tbsei'b'ttllon t t. I'uatr'a train.It vi ii a in t n .til tbt tjwu tlKironglily'woked up andf au d tbe I rd-v guardr-d by unuol men, end a gus da' at lull, a at a the avcnuia, t' At the people louudtbi r wete pr: in rs A pnnb-a;iiears br barelymullrie y ciiauct. ant tl.e r umlierof Inaurrenti uilaraSt oruatlio-reaeed lentu titty (which wa p-obab ytheir. rettiet Ion bid ullng tit s'avos wbo antefun' ,; i Jolo.l to an five tos'ibiu died.In il.v rut eutlii . niiutot fwoikinun, nit know!l goi.jll..L.(.a ' 4 1 a t .vurre!, ent n.l Uu Armsy, and v .e ve,lvel)i taken pibameia, uuUat t.i.e tm.e thry I u 4 lea- fin uifj men eon.lliierl In Hie Anr , T.\". idus eitiapied vere,Atviavur list i lef Uranghtwiian of the Ansary Hi t M i a, Mattroi the Armory, end J,ll 1. Iiamboii . r'arn atcra (limb. Thous throegi-rtcntKU wirr rUui.l lathe engine b use,wtb-'b sfut-aan'r ct i.e tl'e oUof f jitreat of t' eiiuu li hi ,ttd v. n t li leasod until oflot t'u flasla'.t. Pi' .ntre Unprtsoueil la tla-gebut dii g fe 'her d n 1 1.9 yaid, a. A wera rt ,wt bys Irllilont :. i arc t) -h, mwle t y the It t lr I t! n.pony's mc. whoc . .litem foeu V uti ibnrg'If la was tie eo.l.,i Jtef tluiigriat dtjhght, s eaitvkli t-rut .e,t. .n., with I so viUte men, aa enl tUtd by tli.ty id. r a el t Ing V th tliere CjI.WMiion.'slsr're eg. t, wetitovir t le l dge,Slid am cL u; Uu m m-. a rood towo.ls I'ennailVal a.A in-enl warfac i .. r\"oit, chlvfly led on by sIran t an.i Om\"i , me Lnias oouiimatUVIUis arm ry ; ,it 1 rd nma ni id list-va p, s -uliundr\"' tearlylBtlisni)i4-li'g 'in nrti.toj i ioiii.\"',Th. 'ol. .tng Is a t i . . f.ao-n.si.1 o. a kttorfouiol ll. lot Itit I .Crr. Uaou a. IV si . - l b ,e r dlaap.eantadlu hot acting Jot. Ul'. K iki t, t.ukt ..Large of yieufplyht, lley I imUruk.. no tv eeuke, tudas I re lo up itntt nd the r vtd i for thorn. Itbos luod U( u me no email taak; h. rrldea, and Ln.t tairuorri'.'tieof th m vrJ.pobs.Jt to Stiavfarl.I wLb to Lifiw dei'n tvly wbat yo'i a-opotu do a.Tiieyrauuitbelmi!.. rmuoa linger without rlito Uiuvavlvr-, ami if a .y ( th a iel tde to gol-atk to tbe State, It 81 beaUaltonaiuaiaon Wyootet etjnW.I The r.iegi.i rvcuplea a rage of fin TuAt ps r.trav tn.ieo.s dlt v .Itleu In peuO'i sn J al tatV,ai.v1n- .vlti'l, wr.itvaby a rava of sJaieUoo,and tse frelglt be bad, was, t iouSt, Ihtil CJ tetllre the Vrtdaffgnund Railroad.retktngfew, Oct. 1 Sit ooaapentea of tb Virginia military, tbrea hundred rank aad lie, arrivedIrr tbbt evwirlng rw rewie for llarper'a Fery, buttaring rawnlertmiaded, I bey srill rrtom this evet Ing.Thew rajain.l a fine arfarane, having with tberaaO the rpuenoee for a eompeign.n-asa T7tVagta.Ir'oMffie-'oii, fcf. It. Tha rrestrtent, Beerstery of State, and Secrta-yiT War, were btrrtiereveral berura lo .lay, on master eonnected with Iheprreerdlngs al llarper'a Ferry, aud the reeict of theOKifererr wa the eendlng of Dlntrirl AttorneyOeto Uilther, to superintend legal proceedings tntbajrrmlMS.Th- excitement which laM ntght existed tn tVaithlugtoh and it neigbhorbnrat be eubelded, and tbaextraordinary force taa been relieved.TatM Overtasel HalLSI. Isini, Od. 18. Tb overland mail, withSan FRtnctaoo dates of tb Sth ulx., arrlred lastblfbtTbe rae.fio Railroad Convenl'.m had adopted ret -olutbaiafavtlog the cem'ral rot, opitointed caami Use to mature plan to Ire reoommeniled to Ihelg elature and Cougreae, and adjourned to meet alran ram. nto In Jamta y.Judge Tutat hi ber-n placed under llO-OOf) bondstoajprarf.rr Irlaloulbs cha-ge of kU.lng SeualttPaot rai.rt,Tts Sacramento correapoB lent of He flan Francleeo hvll'Hn aaya, a trrnim I I na font among theRepublicans to exduJs Marart. Soun an 1 Rea\"n, theyVa.gree.uw K'Ct tnm tb U-'aeof JJreeejiatirra,rai ti.e grohna t'uat tne California leV abirenegVctedlo dintrlctthe State, a rvq ured by Oon-free, or t comply with tha eoaatibib.m, whu-a eayelist Bepreei nUtlvee shall hs electa! every t ma yearsNearly Ihe whol town of M mt Cbrleto was dasttrryed by fire on tb lrtb. Ixrea vt 000.Tber tod boea another laeye fire at DiamondSpnnge, involving a baa of S40 000t'pwaida of ality Pitt fliver lodtont bad bettkilkd by a party of crtJeoa tg Pits Bivtr ValUy,wbodtalantokeep v.'lunteers la tb fital anttl taludiana ar eitermlsated.Tbe All EaUatd J0era al lUsaOleaa, C, ff.Ilam'.Um, C. W., Oct. 18. Tb cricket msUhbetaeec. tire All Kngaud Bteven aud te Cans lianswa rrui4 thla moralng, ud continued turougslb day. Ootaabeial abower fell during th day,which we ooid and chilly. At half peat four o'elocxa heavy rsln put an end to tha p eying.IMmen fiv and six ttwuaaut paraona sritnraaedtbegam.Tb soar standa f.ar th first Innings I M for thaTwenty-Two of Canada, and Tl fr tb Koglloe,Klevtn, tb latter baring atlil two erkaetl to gd.in.nanaiis Pass Is better.Tbe linohaster maUh will eomrasao on Frklty.Frvaa llaetaa.Itottcn, Oct. 18. The injunction on tbe Peoplee' Five Cent Saving Bank, has been continued,and reoaivsrs are app.antod.Tts Canada's Mallsj.Jtotton. Pet. 18. lb mails ner tteamtblnCanada, for Uverpoot, will eloee al our P.t Orfire,St S A. M. to-morrow, and tht steamer will sail atabout noon. Trlegrspble desriotchee f r F,nrope,left at No. ft wra'l atrret, New York, an tt to rtaob,here by eleven o'clock, will be forwarded.Fix JaaaeJcsU.Vrts Orlumt, Oct. 1 We bare Jamaica ad-vtceatotxt let. Tn LagbrUlar meeta on tb 11it November. Tb laltnd la healthy, and the lotdUtnrbancee e-e rntlrely suptireeeed.Tb authorll'e Demarara are endeavoring teIndue whit Immigrant from Barbedue.th Baa nlvef rtaalfaItnttm, Oct. 18. Tha Committee appointedto InvrwUgale the eondrtlon of Ihe Boss Hirer flask,rert tbe amount oorrert, and tbat tl e publlo aresie frotn loa In any probable contingency.Ttoa FnnsToate, aVe.ivVeri Oiifmi, Oct. 18. Tba examtaaUon ofua. Artimaow, Mtrar, and tha rher niibtuters, batonmra-noW, but nothing Important boa ret beenelicited.There ware fifteen deaths from yellow fever la theUiarny lpill aunng th last wee.Fir,Rottrm, Oct. 18. A fir broke ant In M'ddk-tpw last night, dmrtroylug the onovel monurocl ry,trerttbor wiii all tbt t.a and machinery, owned byatnsant. Fuaoa Wooo. Tb toe la not yet aaoortained. linrurvd.Al. Jul, A'. It., Oct. 18. At Carleton. thismomtug. Kioa A Uu 'a Iron Foundry and maohlneand niouldlrg abo wi ..in,t, t.tjlner wuu twodweUmga adJraLUig, all Insured.Th BwSaeetpal CaavweetlaajMchmtmd Oct. 18. In the Eplncopal ConvenUou to day, hmg rrmrte were male from th C nmlttea on Canon and Central Theological Seminary. Tb llmee of Blsbope nominated Ber. Jaoos L.Class, of Hartford, as Huh p of Uie N.-tbwet, audKev. Utr-sv O. Lav, of llunUvlUe, Ala., Btahop ofth Boulhwsat. i t rA CeaMtUwtlM Haglae Draoatlyrs tarhUaatatlakla.rMittUlphta, Oct. 18. Tbe Constitution Engine trf Brooklyn, arrlrud here tbls evening, and wasreceived by a I nih light (merasion, with numsrouslauds ra iniielc Tbe \"liberal bngta bar thegueHtatacbaige.CITY NEWS.ErcilTlTKii or Di.xCTom. Th regtatra.tiois of electots waseommtnond yesterday morning,al Ut various plane appotntod by Is, and progressed slowly during ths day. Most of the plooeeit regtetrollon were drlnktng solo in, lager bier collars, back rooms, and ahoe ahope. In none of Ikeplace were Here more than a doaea ersone preaeut,geneiolly leaa than that number, and tbe naiulor Ofnew nglatiiee In tbe various diatrlrts tanged fromthree to fifty. The cutouts of tbe old po'l b.ukwere trauafetretl to the neir registers, and whe thiswaa eumi4eted, tbe rsn.alu.tsr uf tbe day paee-al bulelowly over tbe lonely m-u wbo woltrd la vala formore narut to writ. No fights occurred, beeauthere wasioliialy 1,1 light, and the day waa genera lypane, d lu s stole of masterly Inactivdy. lu Ihe Ant,third, fifth, eighth, ninth aud fouitienth ward, dor.U g the first part of the day, not more than six ire as were present at any of the election districts, tocl'ldlng the rgbttrs snd Cerka. Ia some of thewarda, up t j the hiur uf I r. If., laa the on dot.eu naint bad laien realatered, and in th fifth diatrtititbe third ward, but three penont. Less thanone hundrtd, prvliaUy, u rrgbrtervd lu any oned let riot.In tbs Second Vf ard, very few regbttries wrBtade, a'moat all the lUiabltS'.U being alreo.ly oathe tkl list. Tbe tame was thecaaela tie FourtluIn the Seventh, most of tbe work oonabrtod la ehsng'Ing tbe neldence of the voter i fvw ne timtiwere euteixd. In th Sixth, very Utt'e regugertagwas d io, bU tbe majority of tlie business transacted wu lu tbe evonlig, meat of tte vit:rs being laboctug mea who could lu4 allbrd to lose the day forthe urpow if aectirlug s vig. Ia lb Tenth Ward,all ro vtry .pilot, and f tars few and far bitrreanThe regbdton generally, oonaldarei the whole thinguaeleea and ri,Ucdoi.a, on of them characterising Itto our rvpottor ae a \"grand faro,\" and another a a\"grand, ridiculous humbug.'' Few prs maul.feeted miuh tutereet la th affair, and tka Words wbore gtreu wei folr eomplaa of th work Ihrotigh.out In city. In moat of lb dietrlr ths regietrarwill sit again to-day, to teueire name.sasiatxv Iv wiiUAnsBvsaa,Tbs attemlam ut v.4ers woa vtry limited, a it ex.oreduvT onfourUi tbe full number of votes polled.Ia a me of tbe diitricti the Inspectors refuafrl to rereive the nainee of v.ors, alleging that tbty were tlbe guided by the poll Uets uf ths log sleotbtn, anduntil the p.Jl hat was transferred no names eould breoolrod. Idiny of th Inspectors Md tbs VotersUisl tbey nnut touis tbe wc before fie eleotou andbare their come regbaered. la aoui caaea the Laeiaxtor bok tha old p..'l lbrt and o pl.'d the utmeoff, referring to tbs direct ry to esoorUin Sieu- socurscy. lrrylblng was (pud tUro'ighout the city.Tits Ovixno h.tHTLriT Mari.Iagb Sidethe mvltation cat da for this long talked-of marriagebase goo out of date, Ur Daxtlxtt, tl folbor oftlie bible, boa pubUahod several other carls ttuougblb on'uuin of tbs daily pn so, lulil but cord hdetdes that ILeie wai aay des're, on lb part of hitlamCy, to give pubuolty to ths cngtgsmeut let woe abla dsiif.hlrr and Bennr Ovixno, or that Ibsy wblis 1tt niok.9 a dbip'jy cf Uie rl'U prtMut aadj by thalatter I but, on tbs contrary, did X la their power tokeep them from th public eye, snd thtt both blauolfsnd Ur. Ovitno Lsve Uu for a loog t mi ovor-roawilblniilluciit IttUra, ttVL-g lufonnatl n la regirdtetb mattir. Ur. 11. aUouU 11 ths malterdt Ifnckiikty U Sot soughtrirtrorrjt'a Jliamva is Mstmort op SrrfX-too llsopnucs. At a prtUmlaary meeting ofths honorary mtinLers of lingia No, IS, held latweek, It waa dicldod lo call a meeting to tike stepstowards propcJ 1'uneral olieeqilos tl tbs 1st Senator DaoDSXHst, at wldoh dol.gtUon from each FirUanpanyln tbls c'ty, vers lavited. The me-ilngsa held last Strnlng, but althout deoldlnj on anything definite, tbey aU'otined to perfect arrsaga.mrnts at another meeting.Aiiot 30 Oiilirwa Ut tba city, yesterday tit'luxn, under tbt cfaargs c My, C, C. TtoOT,bouui fn the West,T-l fttTrw CAXK DaraXCAVIOJI. .'uit'cabaBOtel, irebrdt, tendrrid Ma desbior in ttecom of Wat i. LAB,Jr.,taFbltcarnkdefiJr,on Ihe charge of fugery, wblch had bee preferredagainst bim by the Fnaldeiit ot tb baalr, and dtoidd that tb charge mrst be dlsmlsasd, en thgrnunda that th evldenr befur bim failed tometain It. Aa toon a tbs r'rekrion of ths magistralwa mad k to an, en oflldaid was put la by therreetdrnt of th laui, clat'ng ths jTtronet wUlsfab prtteoers. Sevoi.tot n d fr-rett cbargee srereenade,exd the tvider.ee , Mr. Am T. Vt Vrox,Broeivlng toll r of the bank, waa token In r-geedne rf them, snd a fa-tter hcrt-g la Ihe ease woeprtinvd till SorurCey. Tbe affidevlU enured Intt firtt charge, art to be used In stldenos on tUthere,Tb foOowing Is tb cowlunlsa of ths msglatrafcejdecMoc II do not eonaider thai tbe legls'atirrs bare modsit forgtty to n,aks a laae sctry or fo'eety lo a ter aaet.lry maCe lb a boot ,1 a henk.krpt wit bin. Ha p'aoeof buatmas, and nevtrt,e.lverd nor intended tvbdi-Uvered. And If It be dtioitd remarkab thaieucb a prov ai'n shraild have been emitted, theunrrteeai Jtiel t greet In reference to merohn.tsand li tre banking bouaee, or tnurt eranpaniea, tiDon t ekkb oould tb tnth eeciio piaMbly apply.la rxtekrelrtv, frraa the InternreUti I baredeerudllmydutylogivstolh Snth eectloo, afl-ra tatfknt b a-u g r tbe able and IneM etprat'tlon tU \"a\" 17 \" of Jh raoe letrLtr sod. etp-rKnoe-lrn'mberSi le bar, I fftTonniperiad to dee'art thatalthi ugh tl ei.ria.4ier pas unqueatkoably o.sumltte.1a gr a moral fraud, I do mt perceive Ibot he been,ade bhoovlf auunab'e ty a ertmtnal proeucuta.A,aud moat therefore discharge him fiom cuJy.FikBMtui'a Srrrgt. Iat evening, AmitcsEngine Co., No. 6, of this aty, gavs a e nH,lnimterynpper to Aaxrira Engliie Co., No. , it Boxbury,Mae., at tb ll.sue of Uctreve Bats. Tb Boxbury Co. reroni bom this morning. They pettlctt4ed Ul tbe trieanlal parade on Moalay, Alikeaaippar, eprerbee srrre mad by Supervisor Twaav,Hon. Jon J. Bxillv, and other.Tammakt Aaskmdlt Somliattovi. Lastvenli.g, fax the Id Areembly Owtrtot, tb TammanyItea pi ted In nomination Mr. Vfn. Wstoa. Ths delegatloo from tbe 4th Ward only were present, IkOth Werd dtt'f stloa for aom reason unanown, abasuted tbemeelve.ArTiosA Boaruua, At aevsa o'clock lasteveidrg there was soother fin e tidbit loa tt thtN.atbern Light. Tb stream of bright bluish lightIA upwards hi briniant ra s, sver cbauglng, fadingoff aud then re-ajiptaring, fur quite a lei gib of tun.Amoxo the pastengws by the steamship llsramonia wbo arrtVtd on Uonday, from LLaiahurg, Is thenuted I.L MoeTta, now Mrr. Ilucn.lion Uot Co. 00. 60, reported as doing dutyta th Ilariam dbrtrlcl, la located No, lo'' Uott at.,and dote duty In the 7th and 8th dlrrtrtcts.Pbot. MiTciiKt. gives a lecturs tbls eveningat the Cooptr Inatitule,norufR Orxclit will deliver bis lecture onOreal Men,\" at th (hlloh Church, corner ofrnno aud Marlon streets, tbt evening.aaarJ4tUiaBw, eVo,CoitRxrnott. Tte foretntn of Engine Co.No. 40, arnda us a eommtinleation, denying thai hiovnpai.y bod auythlng to do wit the dieturbonoeMonday evtulrg, on tbe ttr.rnsr of Centre and Grandetreet. The whole affair, he aos,l a mystery tohim and tbe member uf tb company,Inr.-iertJ, AooldtmU, 6t0.Tun 0 band Stbkbt HoMTctrr CoronertforaaiAWDeiasn imntest y-at-rday, at th It. T.U.rtal, Uon th body of Stottsi. tUsvea, lb expreoe driver, wbo woa mortally wounded on M n.day evenln. In Orand nit nee- nrr.tM 1, 1.aliened, by a knife In the nanda of Jourt MoCtja, onv V. I4 Bb\" gang, and who died at tb N.X. lloerltal.. i2 -t\"-7t of No. Ill-Mulberry etreet,trslinid tl.at be wa etandlng on tb onnier of'\"\" wraoj atreeu, wnea ne tow Mocv runout of a groeery and pick up a brick, which he attemped to thn w at deceased, but was prevented dolig so by witness. About an hour af.teraoide, the deceased and three i4h-rs were sitting near lb window la Uvmrru's saloon, whenthe prtr,ner came along, aud oa erering deceedeaid Forty, I con lick you rieoeooed modeae remark, went out, and I think struck ths prlner in th foe. Tb trimmer then drew a knifefn-rn hi brraat pockrt, and mad a nnmber ofpiuagee al deoeoenl. Th lottrr fe'l wounded, andtb imsoner ran, and I pursued and caught him,buis.oof bl Mrudt t.k bim from m. Othlrwitueaee comb. rated tbt testimony, after whichtbe medical evidence wot taken, and showed that awrauid lu the cheat, pentltating to lbs lung, watbecue of death. The Jury rendered a verdict' That Strrjti. Kaavr cam to his death by woundI'tdatedby a knife Is the hands of Joera Meets.\"t)n lbs rendition of tht verdict, MoOrjs. who hadbeenarreetrd, was oranmiued to the rtmbe. He Isoa bbliatn, SI teoisof age, aad reeil-s at No.TBaiter atret t. lis claim that bs usod lbs kuifs lasetf-dAfciice.Tub STArniNo Cash it 87rn Sr. Coranar0'Ktors,bsd aa bnpuwt, on Tueadoy, U.o thebuoy of an li foot, a.oi .g a w uuan named Wsih,wbo wu atel.bed on btat Tuesday week at a lanemenl hia t In BTtb etrett, near Jd orooie, cs It 1 the'id church,\" it tool org, d, by amaa named MoSTarioa. Tl woman, It aptors was uriisn' atth time 14\" reciting tne .tab, aud a premature dalivi ry fiJloe mt. Tbe child body bod been Metro!with the kii.e, ami It was burn dtad. Tbe U a-on-rt'sJuiybrotigbtin a rerdlctto tut eryl that thecblld'e diota wss reursd I y Ibis wound; and Starrotn woa looked up lor troti. He I a ouo.ar, K4yia.t o' age, and aaa. \"be doa'l ren.cml.er oaythiagolMittlt.\" Tie father of the cbUd teatll d on thoUi.liet that bl wile gore STcrrour no provataUoafor tbe a ault.FoTAt, Faii. fbom a Itoor. CoronerO'EawBheld an luiiurat on Tuorday, U.a the bo ly of ll.At) Toeaisv, a naUya of Ireia id, '.ft jr. ore re age, whedied f.ont the 1 flecte of 0 fab from tlie rooftg h.tureNo. M 10 k street, reo-lve.1 on the nth tilt . wl.ile 1.1lbs a. t of laaingtiiiibilnia to dry. Tut Jury lea.tend a vrtd.it i \"aoe dental death.roUot) IntolUgesioa, eVo.Tim Snoonsa Aii-bat BKrwxxs JourtCaiiiyitkb, aii TiiirMAsCnBavBliA, foremtn1 InalneCu. No. 41, whkt, t.a.k plooe'tv Mowdayn'ght, at the ,rtrr hcuae corner of C.lntoa and DeUuicy itre.Cs, appears to have oneinoted a f,a\"os 1CASieirrtare.nii.tly mode on oth lent bof Justice Ilaawnarr, bi n Jeiei.ce to the lota rowdy proceedtnge at S-raoti-o, lu which be Imp'lcab-d et vrroltgtUmavtis' filords. Tn two net al the porterhiatae In n\"atiouou Moodty nlgbt, whea Cnaaveatrrmoiktd ths he did n Udok it honoralit In Casrsarta to iitaa U.e affldevti, and tbtt further, hewou d ut t lUr v CASJ-tevts tinder nth- A quarr!then esuetea Utween tbem, and a scuflle, duringwhich, Ctarnrrta's wife eanie In lor her hushoad,ond git bctoeea tlie two men, end woe thrown tothe ll.vr. Casj-D-Taa aaya that Cnasvaat knockedber down and then kicked ber, Ctsrsa raa, seeingLie wife lying on tbe floor, aa la a'teg-d, drew a revolver oi.d tret four shirt at Catorr saayrne of whionaltered hi side, causing a deep and dangerouswound. A poliormaa stam fantf ed snd arrestedCosrssiTta, wins by order of Jeetus Busata, waylocked up Cmrrpl ws token to the Uth Wo, AIuuc Bioiion, whrra tbe wound wa dreeeed, after\" wa toaeo IS ;w BOO Of EUgtll li J. NO,41, wbrs b now lies.KonBOT os tub Fim ronrra. Oo Moudsytsening, jAmeMoUmBA, a reaidant or riarmont,wo etioUlog stroul tn Hwj Polnta, when he ftl luwith lw of th deulseus of that locality, namedFat. Class and Wa O'Bscari, wke out oed him latoa cellar, near by, when Cttsa, as sliegod, threw bimacnastaUUIe, aud held turn down wbi' O'Bsistitled bis ucket of 1 M. The tbievs then at.sompUd to escape, bul MoQcissrsa into tbe etreetsnd gsv on a arisi, and otfioer Susannas; ran aftersad arrtsted them. They were taken before JaatloeUoexoiXT snd lccted op for Inal. Ccja was recoLllydlschorgtd frotn th renJcutiary, when heLad been coofluod for thoft.BorniED at A OiSBBrtrrAsu Uotrnt. rVa.II. Uontan, residing In Canal at ett, was robbed, naMonday night, at a dltreputohl house la Or erneatret t, where be speul lite nlgbt with one Katb 11am.uii. Ou swaklug, lie fetluwlng roorrunir, be fouu Ibl go'.i wotoh and ohola. valu.d at gta, missing,ard had tbe glri artwated. She det.bd oil knowledgeof the wotoh, but wot luokad up by Juatic Qsaubsjiiitsa, for eumutoU to.As Aurotn Kkcmyib ov Sroi.ix OoonjABhrTiii. Teaterday morning n Uermtn,namtd Fu-nmucx Jrvrtx, wss arrreted for receivingaaumlerof deotlat't f..roepe, va'aed at fit. wbl hwciestiiltn soructime during to mouth of Ution,from the slot of Von Wins A UsiMssiioir, at N.M WUllaoi sttrt. Ths -iioJs weie fo.ind la thepiawusrSoaof .Iitits, snd be wu ooouu'tted tj UsTomlw by Aldtrmaa Bxait.A WESTCBM MlXIrTTRB AmOXO MbW YORKSnABiiJM. OEOitGi(!Br.Kr, a Western mln-later, ottoiney aid txarelheg agent, yaab rdsy u mIns oroulolnidlt theMeior'sofflre of barlnj ncesIng oorotjlalntdsttheMajoreodlre of baring oceaswutdlod oil of 3s In ths ourchsts of a brsrswsicb, which hs bad received ta place of a goldone, at th mock suction crUbushment N 19llrvasy. Ilia monty was obtained ivr blua.Battl d f avtsrr.Tba rsgtiltx meotlsg of the Board wit heldSetenjsy. A oornmumcallou wat rtcelved f-ontaSuittiluteniontof the Workh ct, in referenceto murder, leccnt'y committed In U.at tnatttuUou,by oa aJtged tunatlo, name.1 Dxiatkiu. Da.boou.I ed ta oouiadtted but a few dtvs, sod bad previously shown no signs of Insanity. A rrsihitloBwaa at to preveet anynore deal bjjtst frotnbuing token from DoUevue Ucepltal, by phyalelsas,without nerwibwloa of th committee. Thsnumoerof Inmates In th luatlluUona, tudsr thi eoalrol oflb Covarnors, 1 I ou aa inorcsAo tram ths prvtous week of it.Usavrg af Sapwrvlaat.This Heard met yesterday sftsmoon to digpoteb n rilor btutlarws, but tbalr ateetlaa ws sooncalltal to tb rtaignatbax of a nundxr eg IU Bagttars, wb WW Ofl'vUrcd at Ut foruer PUn,Tb Betrd Insntcdl!.' rs-onreded t fill thi t scande, with th foih-wiDg rewnlt 1fttcaos Csuri n, In ilscers' Cte. WiTrs, MfatiV, lrtk VVoil , Pntasts FVsratw, la pioc 'Jeans T. Bvsut, b.r tne 4th Dirflut m the MaWord 1 Goo, t. BAanmra, In place nf rrts M.rVtaawca, ba th bth Dmtne, 6rt Ward 1 flistaYmnti r t' Js A. Oabou, 1 th IlkUietrrct, Uth Word Staie oc Tawwaca, la ofJowrt ' Brrrsawoavw, la tbs 4tk Dut not of tb MbWaVQ.ikeommnaleattoa woa rr.d from Jans T.IST'li'f 1!L lv.r f\"T th th dtrtrrt ..f th6$.Wi.!Ajr\"!,''rtB i,,Mth sbwtrIn Hedhitrlct hart defined to aoti that by a.vloe .tbeflouity tVrk and Buporvtaor Be., k lotg ei rl'h th w. rk. and err-toted a eterk. Heaelre.1 thai two tone rWleare b apprgnt-d f r eeldd.atrlrl The IVord aererrdlag'y tppolated 1stIni, snd RfcBAtn 0, VvOnBMKTB.Tt e IVatrd oMed s res rlniva sppr)1lng MU dtf ny U.\" vra-nae nf th P.rlio Genm aaionero. latr-ironege, iMii,4o.,er the h'W4 imsms ror tnorkvemhrr ra I vrmr a ecu ma. aji, tor primIt g tn tie a for lb earns.Tha Pcaid. ater nMevir.: ret Pavmett of srmlItnilitXr, sdj.trned to Tmeday nextIJfUAL, aUVBt-TCK4AT.saapre m Cwrt,Tit Catrhmu TiotJi'ft.TKt PtojJ tt. tCttl Thla rare haa been 0 t n retortl la Tht Sun.surl its mtrita ar faonllor to all.It hi w came ui for a-a-rtmeiit fi tbe motion f a siInjunction 10 reetraintra, des elant from gv-ng thlawoiarntne new rervrtr to rotrcr.l a, vva ter ftCo. Tl t nly qtte-tton tt Bret i nted by f D.Ill Id. Wl o sue ai f.if th Pe- no. wa that tli PenolVa Interfere dteeatiy, by tne Aorney Oeeerel, toKvet a any m arrar ivrrp rati rqa irom I letal act,le bad IV n iM-iit-tr-l by te def-rrlo ita, and itbadbre lb' t-dtnatth Pe.pl mturl olaott at-ia or by a !'i\"f' Mr. Frsld ,tvtxl It p'n.n ofVgelnrrabam, In th Lowlier es, to eatohllvhkit ru-t, whlrB IL mnlmi did. In so many word a,Mr. L. K N.tk,saoa-lald wilts Mr. B.-d forthe city, then rp te tl .nt'.h, entewdlng thot theSoU could t 4 noulo iie act on, a it was ntbaiarty In litereet. Ilal.lwui onl Jayeox were theI artiee m utterer, and tieiy mit bring the actloa.After ei,t trMnt dree on wsereearved.An Attorney m an faatVwnf foeifioa.JofpK livn es yeAn aAeari. This waaaaacUmf.roaeanlt and battery Th iJointitfa ietr that heLed bm b oieu and badly Injured. Th answerreokri tl at he bad b en beaten by the defend.11.e plalnl.ff woa a, i.pnu the eteud, aud eotd beaewdrd no ntedca old after bi all. gd Injun,\"Mat, olers tbat he ked a friend \"wta him at tbatlmof IL ojlr gd aaau t, erbom h hod nl bnautkl farOairt a a wllneea. On ben g a-ked by a Junrr whytliat wae, he sold he did n-t eop.aoa him, beoouae110 wae miip, wit w er oq tiy ewatoeer.Tb drfendont did n. apir, and tb CourtI'fl tt wbol marter to tte Jury, andtbey found a verdict for the ploatiff ttma rrttf. Now come tb digeeah partol th cattae. After the Jury had fouui him teaa hravy verdict pla-ntlfTa ernirwl Aad na wtn-t tli.i lim (As tu.ua! guarfirr ra.A, and his client hodlet Court. Tl Cou t directed ti e jury to \"wail alittle\" far their fee, sa counsel hot .ne in quest nfblsclitut. IVmnnel rU twg come lav k, bowvvir, andtl.s Couit to d the jury, thai uu'i sa tbey were paM,he should bave tbe sttorney'e name etntck from Ihemil at He net t General Term. As the Jury wereabout to leave tl rlr lot, Ike lolnttff wat see tocome Into Ooutt, and the \"cashier\" eomrht h'm nularelorrtaiioltbe tceeeay etim, which, however,seme cf tl' Jurors refused to accept.RttpmriWtlji vf Uarrvni WommPhfift tt.JfalAe, 6, Tbie was au aoton ogolturt tba derefula t for $Tg 41, on m 0 riven by h;s trl la her o ent me, oil for debt oontrocted by br la htrowaseratot buaineao.Madauie Malberb Is a well koowa mllloer laBnwdaoy, aud ebe ha been eeeeral jeora doingbuatnre on her own acaaint.Tbe onl y timnt ut the case I whether or nrw a bneband la liable on tre n'te of hie wire, given forrleiyreOKitroctrdin hertndlvld.ial rajiacity, aul tor whichbar own note were taken.Tbe facts stated were conceded, end as th eaoewss tried before Judge ebatrevr.il without a lurv, dcielcat mi tbe qursU. n of law Involved la the coos wasreset nd.ataparriar Caenl.A Er-Trtamrrr tat TAick. M A. C. Crates. Tht Michlmn Svulkftn and -Vorfeern ndtaaaAollrnt Company. Tbta ws ta antlai by tup'olotiff, who woa the Tn oaurer of th Cnuiainy furtint motiths la I sol, for ft boo alkged to by duhim rn acooui t f bl ervoe to the Caopany dorU g thai ttmr, as flnanctrr. II alirgvs Ij this aomplaint, tbat be alced tbe tomnv In ii'anniniectenie f, tl e ImruiBii o' gua-01 bd rbek, or bond,upon IS.nvo.unO.on wbloh, it rtaUted mi 'too and aLair of dialers, and that I p-rrnrmrd many rghernml'ar aervkv, aud wo In fact, th greet financialeplrlt of Ihe Oirmpaoy while It Treaaitree.Tbe d f.noe e.1 up was Ibot the p'elntlff was tobar SA 000 r ar turn as such offl oer, which he hadbeen 1 old, and that be had also renelvrd tl 000 laetnimtaannn upon m.tte obtalitd by the Oxnnouyttuough hi agency. Vsrduv f Jt J. auitifT.Oerwi c est Oaaaral See law.Georgs Kelgel, aftVu Stain, (Uiu itihArt,a'i.MRing, ws cl-argr-d with etxaiing e'evsn 4eces ofcbau, with $00, fnan Mr. Barnard Jaoiaio,whogofebbn tne nlotb to take bo.tis and make lot icnate. listie k the ckh but roii-d to return. It woe shownthat ui.iler the al-ove e.'t'aara t is prbmnrr had Imjxwed In the tome way Unn other mvtrrlat'o-a ThJury o nv,ctedhlm,witha recaa uemiation tomsrey.lie woa scuieocid .by the Baoorderto two year iathe Slot FnsmiWhom Iiordnrt, cbanred with stealing cornierrt-de from bis sail loyrr, Mr. U..ock, coruoroflllstrati and Socot d avtiue, wae cnvicuyd of petitlarorn), and remanded.Joba McMin-any prod d rnJty to sa ataou'l enJo. n Baeilen, tu rVA. ntte r odt. wlh Intro! to dvbnnily bo-m. Us set ismouded ltd Botarday forronlat.ee,\"BROOKLYNTur Khatwii Cxi Kxrin At Basb Dai.iA me. Itug was be d Iasl,v,n ngkt 'he U: n UK 1,on Lib rty tt e, t, opi-wla sragne sr. , Hrmklya,f tha puipo-a- ol sacerUlnlua- tb w ehe ol the \"oselull C una. .Mew toik, U ooklyaond vimoity, In re.goiil to tlie pm,ort n.a'c-i with the A I Ki.g aadIJeven. A large numheraf bote bo'l players wereCert nl, and at ou eor'y h-eirthe ro. ettog wa organd. with Mr, F. S ilstaiv.tg th Piituaa 1 uh, laIbetliair. Mr. l)yi. rU'M tlleobett oflbeeap,and priie d the rente, as agent nf the tic ves, onWb left bo ws otitb. rs.dto arrange a vatcb. aproTi.flila agriuyla ,.r.li. e-1 a airton o a te'e-rirophie c mauul. othm fnrrri thorn, and etleiien their ll ah tbat tbey eh .u d receive fnas thecluU wltk which tbey pla..d tie sum of s a sIothM. Cocet'leralt's dleoue-uoa enauod in regard I Ins furmolty of tna meeUas, and otUn,rtt s.aue dmiiAe w-r thrown aul as toMr IlAVIe\" n, rtrw, u agent with powrt Itreat, iteee double be to. 'k lu hll'j dodgooa, andlell lite naau, te.ut ST tre tteating he aliou d wall obiait la l.tweioira, and If tbey chwe to treat wrk kiotin tbat I lu. he woe w tli g, aad if thi y did uot, ntshoo ri 1 ot ad to Beg liar f.ar pnvte g t.na After dbcueal-a, yt wo devklrd tha Ihe Pn el lei ta fthe varliaiaClnlai be called to a meetltg to be tedm lalet tlanTbtuaosy (vecttig, OLd tll oil o. mhahiruld U a atoni d ui til tUu. Mr. Uavet arUuelkm tli ng dwiictitiy ubdersfraal Mm htlefUtoltlie game, If ploi ad, should Ira the \"Ay game.\" Th.tlie 1 l.il-e ot.jet t to. silt U dlretl y la vtolottew tteerules uf their aandat.o. Fr a Mr. Davie, we tearst at it Is very tbiublful wbctber the Ah Kjglaud Uyen will agree to et me on here tj pisy, par'loulaily If oifa.! are not ut onoo errangrd to suit tueirteniio. luUie mewduiev,. Uovis surte lur Coao.da o-dajr,Afler lb above was In type w reoolvrd the f.Jlow.Ing olewoCuli, f rum wbl'b it would apprar that ar.Davis la tctlig with, ait outhorl y In tae matt ir 1fotn'I.'en, C If , 6V1. 11. TT Futghsbericketnisbar autlioriud uu 04001 to cholleiuja lb Baaa Ballclubo,as If they did ploy mc'l a u ale 4 they wouldlone tbtlr 1 araags nu Ute Qutbeo bit sun , whlotl Ie'rsaJy wtd for. \"bare baa l,een a ndsuuderatavidIng siRiewIe e. Bji loii'ili cvuid bo only lol soe 11101..U14; from lbs rromlucut Bane lloll prratbcin. ivcs, 'IlairoRiri Coorr ov Ssaaiona. Tottr-r.lt ,a man raroed hauu Mil 1 ta was pieced on tnt,oaab.dlitnurt f. r repe. The otaaplatalng witn-aswss Mis. CtTttnas Bsiwxa, who resides or isrufUUlkL Old 4th Avoaue, Uowoau, start sitkeep a smell store. Mjjjxa wuri thehalttlof a p.prlngLr with li.pior She Vwtiflvl thot Mil 1 ascailid ol ths et tre on tlie evrmngoftkt 13U Vr)m.Iter laat bee wss sbtio. lie forced herInto an adjruinr mon onl lien by forceand vugeuoe, oomu.itb-d au ttiage uponhcr perwin.Sb ottouipUd toLioke t noUe, but he pa routedIter by sueaus of tl n ols u 1 blows. Mrs. Lrrrus,who llvta up s'alrs, IcouSinl thil she heard a noisela Mrs. Boowu's tpa-tmnnt, bet did not pay particular attentkot to li, and did not go down at thattime, KulaKvpii ntly all went down stair, an 1 sswMra. Daowra and Mi 1KB In lbs eut.y. Ni.tllthat Mrs. Port't drtea was torn, sod sh(Mis. U) to.d her sis w uldmtks IlcUJiS iyfor IL Mrs. Jiifaon, Ir defence, lUlklto ervtaln eouor...aious with Mrs. Bsowsa,Ut wbuh b oked her oil lu gottmg a cuinl- ofhitndnd doUore out of Mills, oa.1 promised te dlvbbi tb prcetibi 1 to'd wituee nhe would Uss tobovsh'mt bor power noe, onion betrga-iked whateh meant by that, said tbat sb wotild a eea atoptgau.sc him. CouaUb illiui tesUied tl si ths lastwitness (Mrs. Joiusot) k nt a ht-aa. 'n.t summer tewbloh tlsoa obaractcr of until WTetTrTaijiUl. air,lino MiKnoin aud Him Jam 1'sati WjotlArxl tlh1a1.02tMd1eu.1tta stunt lira. Htowrto. The cnoswu gites to the Jnry, wU( , alter a oonsu'Utl in of a.'.Icon ndnutc. brougbt la a verdict of not gulty, aadthe prlaocer wss lUaohorg-d.Kibes Coustt CfBcnT Cocnr. Stj AnnXTcrntg t a. Dmjamin B'fldcr. An sttlon to rroovcrdamage for th dealt of p'oUiLrVe hu tlitnJ, wheweskU'ed tt Augul, USt,by the etplislou nf asteam boiler la tea potent safe maaulntory of tbedrfeudout, ou th eon r of Sd ve. aa 1 lelh ttwot,(lowanua. lie ewe v 1 1 conolude-l ou Monday, oru.tu piry orri'xui wot nuct -or uis laoinorr,lug tts daiijtgee tt $J 6W.Be 7 bird r5 for faxtber Newi.Um. Wissioav SooTinsa 3rer.Ui: WINSLOVT, sn xperleaotd arrse ant Psmalsfhy Ctlsa, Us t Soothing Syra for Children Itelhlsgwhl. li greatly ftclltav e the proctts 0 TectLIag, tysoftening ihe tvnvs, rsJodag all Uftomrr.ul ml.Bllty all Mln. sad Is sure ts rtfulita tht be!. Do.r4 upon It, U.lhetsU will glre rt t yertolvaa d rtliif and hatllh I your Is 'an to. Ferteetly sadla U caMs. 814 srery sbwa, rrlee ecJy it euatsEllAIX CnAKQB. H.LP lfUM AVI) Deigneta as had t Tbs Sin OTnee, la Fis Collar ysakaiet,and Three Crnt ple,-s la Three Dollar y-iltt ';, C'tyBimty tnty reclvd,fttlslllar,IVvKflU.Ua.Pnrax ' Ko. I Stwibo Mirtrrvw .rr....awBlfflsger'a Ut. 1 tewlaf Bfachkos jsjrtmiiysewiag star blase. sltoBSaUeonmlng Oeragta rfeoraltt,,,. ........Fer sB soasmlsetarlag owrsooa IsUaawowoUt wtthrajl toy rival lata market.I. at. felatriEB CO., K. 4IS Braadwap, oj.t:We.lSnFalUesl., aVjaaayta,,Bobby's Taxourti:I k Beat osrd VtMefesS ortlele farfvtri. tieaataa. Owroaa. Pr.aIhatlalr. tsvjee try IS. Sold by U ILSSTU'l LiMBrtw4MrsflTTTTLn ssrwnsut M tnmBBl,ICawol tot any ta the aaaawaS.r1rte-rat sad aware,0cew!rWr and ISA BWayearstnczzAl Moxn I.vntmwTl Mnasj RsUrrtlThe ew Aram, ef Wnt ad art firat ties at Bast\"r\" ewcwrreathieoftevooi, rvrr or tot Pse-rwa ssp oyid Ibis t veo Utr, saltetheeelsBiewa-gi)a.-' tFHBKtvaLtMiroai, w-ttsiBsnoenitt ttai enarie ana roil wr-tren erwer ssiow atS-Ivtsi 4atle at FOVTLBH A WBliS, SSB BFnrgLB A Lros'e Dxwma UAOaTxaa.Warraated t atv bettor aetiof asslao thoa aaa ssXb' tn shir nark. a. or Brewer rarutytral.r-.. roio rsaniuy rroSD. SM STSIGENERAL NOTICES.J,i,J,,t.,., '\"a IB . O. IX wrlalbe held at Lnrrw Hail, nor II at ao4 Id ova, oa WsaVresdiy evtDtne.O I Hh, et Ut e'eWek. All aa-aaiea-artrefleee to arteud, as baetr.aw ertasa. rtaeare astmbetreieertrd reHeigJOai UlU,rrravJOUN IrOltaJlOB, S \" -ta.i.jrvTao,nslUway't Oksfasaai suae flT fls-aHBBIn ibeir nrstte seeysr. taw ewre rf aoorty all tb ox.t rral ted titeraalrl eevdars te whleh aeaa r weaaaaaare eaejeM. Mat afae-orr, ( Maiden Uow, M. Tt7rawDEiLsTO tlBEBIHIHBFORSTRONODHIctK.eel r51Dertat llawrr ZatVaVoitSLOe Preg-raare V4S wssetaw,wdaaayar the X'tamasiaw rgUse ka trfleeed to ties Doetahyta.aw wb hive slva thrna uaf en ee drtj,k so wteno wiaawoefrMwd. rkr atar ta) sveaai era.tnewato the ifrlaOae- wilao waMroeo-w, end set Ihe drwwkord Matooatne very anreil er l-acar. rooooaaaIV MSA Na 4ITklri.ttftMaJJoartrroraIloS,aadlUt'eVeaJr. Cbedeai rUiag III row.etng1en:harley a rail Tbe hire will be ready tM sheer aaadot aaleoa Ttarsttty (to-ruaa-rw. 'YwwwgMea'e R.p.H-euo Cwtrtrwl 0 .tee.-Tt rttmlar rra'hly anettlee will be be 4 oftHroCqaarteie. 1H Breo. war.eai W'-'n.i.v St-eatHir.lth IrUv. at tjg Ve k. . BIT plUBX. Ofir-tnao. jrlHB j. siitvT. Btxtorr f. suinrASeoretorlea, . \" 0srw, Mai aad Pletal Btwofortv-Owlag (axKs Urge laereaae of I e meraherv, we btve tokest ttjet1 se at d eoociout halL east corner f 1 tb e. owl liave.t drill Ittreor Art aoeual urst etimrefow,wlsaxwlliuraealaa lhaotalrus Dor, Hot, M, 11 'Baytrad- or Ir vtted le attend, aa Itese l fit.Oia) we.-trbaaTcrises to be shot f.r. O. COLLI MS, Pr !. af.lOV LB. Reeommf Anreury. a U aXsUAS, Ftsav.euu DWtrvtory arwblte VssaMtmaw Bfowtiatg Sty B. TtoCe\"oe. Aotlol t'oloo Ne It. at their bolt. UT eWwsv-e.ee Thurvriee ever laa. tior.fOtn U 1 B L. ajsosr.er ThurvOay eve. lea. tie. loth Um B LOB'tllLB OABONKB aod Mr BBOVTH, etrasrtiKVllt-rs ufcuiaii.n. oaa rr onurrn,it. tn fantie-t la w II agd\" oa the mewOUteLby Pr f BKOvVKB. Mr UATCif. si e-hera TVsathUa la Uviltg U attend. J, A. rfuirun.A. P. A Tts. wfflrars aud saooakearsaa JKra, ld. r.Nn lo. A. 1 A. orw eeaneacM So aneatheir hop, ror M id onl (th ov, this Wadea4ag I !Ids, lVth Icat, at S o'clock, lor the parpeet ef efctttaaAttrtnttrJoya Aase, rao t. at. r at srwwaiIt WmJ. i-OBTfaVatssew.Nelrfrt-. A fpex-twl savsatltaoj af th staatojSbrrmeos li B eetey will he held ol th-l-e-togVtf'A42AI-VeVlrtM.m ra KorweveitaT. ett wen reoa.t-r. ivia. allM. at ft i.ed Br er.lrr of KOUQEB Ms-QSA'nstrtg luvaaaa racy as.ovov.IHbs1bjbvi mi t( !twititwho bave founti im b-wn-fll t m h rm4 mmAthtt tSfsvas laytl liAetaje sska m, oaa. tyj hill lttlt-T4 tat BBBTtMon K.W U.NUhi41T0. -4 D whohbs-TwTrJr crwful lo corirn hnn lrw1 of pfrorjfU thUs4Bjrsfft r N Ihbt pfmot Dctntt luc rfcl. aad ! t.ri fflea for th UMturtst M tiw lni ud Ukrl MlrvA. O. a . Ta lWMtA fJwrU Sfttacnil bm brM lu Ta idbvl 1111. D-ouktjrn, ot rbmr-H t cl-jejlt ptrniw)if( ftr U mloir pfr-trr Br orcrr o PUUsUP CL-JtR, O P. JOtUkOV E1LLY, u. B.tnio-ia)T.AaawooLeLtnre (teat.a Iocbrk tea ore will aommwsree at s o'clock ereeslfoAdraioueii lOeocte. trgeVrwvMl Asnbly llletrirt Al tt tavawalaer eafthe TomTtnr UaII Aemriv Con-eatit a, b-td egatoui'-e Hail, rorirr Cortre or-d I' orl atreets,lk.tt sveuu.,1 Oct Hii VVIbUAH WaLoUoar oriiioole-L Ti Coat entloe. opr aef1ataal aa.m tt- of IhranUt-oeeLlm rhe am eaT4-,aWJn-r id sine die J AM Kg UUNPUT, (JbaareaaJAMldDuNATAN.BM'f. etl SisaMiy. Wwid re.ple'e f.s.pMtd.srt llssass.treialK,aA w.ei4Us oflhe aeeveOlob WBI be holgoil. or. Tkoo, Me\"ai-r't eur ef'ts stood lai as raaWeoreeday ov.tlo. last 1 th, ol P. . fl-orw raeno.Wrleryperre re ottew I \"r orkrr ef AJtJBavgBtOLlffs,riest. vTis.!'. KhL'.Y.Ses'y. satIlia Ward A mew-sag ef ftsaasal No atwllllwkeMen Wedotaav eaenloa, U'k last, ot 14Lew est. Mimb ra are leun-wtad t att-ed.Ml . UUBT, free.Pr.T T. ies vein . I later a Lear tat.frve tbw Coste-tars Lrrerorf UoMffa. s t sVstaswraaakiIrot I, at 4 o'aje. lot the Crl'ciio ef Phaataltao mHHaraeewa. e. r '' tl aoS Stk at, ss tk I)etlo aaaS 'U arats. Vewsg Colludes la Aatesieo. Tiatata sc IadovlselaaitXrstA, lMslM 'JAMBH (1. IKIOPBR,combiionkT or dbcds.k w yobk sun orncH.Kr. Jo a Ooiaaavartawat far Asai.sMSilT YsVaba.piida,tvi4-rs rl ihe 100. Uth, late oaj II tsaija,io fe-cr ef ko elrcstos f if e akevs eadaiete, sis Itivitae latlvt s nineties eo Veloeevyow.reina th Itch I net. at TH ovinia, ol 1a Baw ear,'Jarwite Br'sioai, it cbtverol yeatlea ow wil e Ufeww towe-ttee. Be eeey f I ior.mil tee, FAasB So, IJMITH, FKAiarTH Jt UM Llll'KVK, UtStlaw)lAXIItrt JiyllhUOguluCa.H'OaULtV.a aTetaUa.ell llNetlee A aoaetma on ta ewreaU ssa actthe 8Uf,h nao Bllrer M'Blnt Cevttoae at hranhrra.i to ue piece as tne ei-oro, tee tx-roeaar, rFue st, at 11 oVIorx, A. kL. -a tbe TTtbiaeL Bawileor-tibe is roilrj fur tae piirytaa ef lakuta losseeaa.auttrarioo ml votltu nw w the .rlerl ot oisabtus ror ro coo at aoui tICuatiDliU.H'.nj.n. iiAiivt,tn..l.a..e a elA S. a . ...- .seevlets 1H hah-ld thla ev-ain. gedaaadoy. 0ssl.e Ivtk. at 110 rVI-.i. Ieh ta. 1....I . --tlatt hurck, deslnatlcstboBee t 1BAOB JaXBI4gen' rtti. i.u i-artoA i ot rereT tjtry, wwill take pe't In tbe. ii rclw Al Measlytj I . .- .. .rii. 1.. ...I 1- - djitv. in, .ii.nr Mt..,-w tv iiwiaMISCELLANEOUS.QOOlI'Rat irwiOIf I US TUI AJlTAJKnt-.UVtT OF fAfntrrlCIt AND AHTB.\"TTAO rreo rreaaitoe wwtiaee of tuaai nioia.ta wtsi ersssWjmS.'ea,aMl wtaunisei oil the flras H-auiae bi Moveanbre:.orsoiaMiSS sraiea wb krlai aeaartliaotal snarwerer. from setns nwpeaalbl s sjaan, aaal wtaua-e svav 14 vtra nf axe, Feiuolao. ale, are qiiaitsisls lb tlon f Vocal Mule of Ur UCTI.MBriIt72Bsturdoy avevtoA aad siauawvatr te lb S-atasaf srgl,s)gp, nee tu perti-i ulat tt litesUoej etl T..ADClON IU .711 A llDg, ge.ArvUionti r t'otrt to eke ar-vrrel rlaaiiia soar se(tlyST-ry weal, day rrwu full aVU, oaet Frtda- sariiturSTsoJtffrAtUs'aAlS,atUl oAaoe atan tiatoei.Tb acndlte t-iraroM s CI not k thee of the Aw awoleenhoelael ib ttr Mltaaa.atCrw, sauw iaahub viu oo laMtsjv ir ntt orii -iii-w. evoere, wo,letuouatlatlimteti th'.M rk ooor oi.i lodirtdi.al earlr ,.tlalAonaeei th.il rt koorf oi.l ladrrtdi.ol orllonsiUiesalvtCutlCoUb htlug hwllqasil,neinl OorttOWaaenreaet- t'tenuatry.Bi rrer Ultsj-ui.Twoclaaenswlubofjiaiad In LliaAnJg-aa tta AerJtneeearsiaadlieaHact, lies clh ta MiskaalasPrtwuiri.rue allea for tVc ttveral srs-ocao-s ef lb trwk,rteaur sntotM Istoaesy,toy, 1 MtArrtli.r.Aty, rltthvebwl rhltoaewltr,or, I A.e ' Mtarol aud 1 1vaoaneirrUav,,lUaairChcni'etxy,It thanbeJDrtW-lg.rneol Mnala.Tke (olrno ef li Jati (af VseSlr Ll x6a.m; to ir.sf. y \"ArwlVriiaoeaSulsrrfwrIko.i.t.ew ore.BVfToUCIUltlrl. r. A, tw hKi,ia,\" WTiIyT--ssay t-esv ce tno t '\"tjcIT 804\" tl S 'ULSZiXmCCl'S-riKJirri U-LKDOiA. 3SITTU.- nivrt eo uTinal ' na rrltioo alraitka faC.esteet-lelr strnaiv.r, r,oie, ueiirwtifutivofrtiu Ihe- (..,. ta.f - l,,.t i.rie.a le aivolrout inv-n uj, s,.or- l,w.at l.rta.s la I'utaot inf v(awat Cl I II\" , - - . -.,--. ---.'r.-\".T- -ClUr the linst lfaeaa t rtH in rorur Traeeera floor. BJeo room.Uol. Uf.AjI'liMoCL.gtr, sloJldWsv sa-J oatkettViorolMltoJOSr EECr.IVKD-100 HPlt\" QW. Pthieiirrmsiis,f'em U'lerdsvi. It nw dl,trv.ali.erjs, K It. and-writ he aoldat a UsoarwJ3iUA J.UIUU.VtfVsajtgtatssb altrlstTritaW it rw toc uirds-that aJto. ltha aetiet. ia tViiol at near Raoarr. Is tlov' sesniinrl to el , ass ewe cr. claalkoa atpilcitr.. tte S-U-A.!lraHh., SHaf rAa\".ltoTajn'stlOJii-atSbaVwIth Slaeaattleaeat, Htdaa,a IAileel arty and Oriental rituier la,iOr erea-wur t -ue infant.Ifl Alfrfvloe - M'eatniJtyU 1teU ut tr.tia r.v it.t-r it. tvp TSm OimssImf then ttilfvAfrte-n iirm v. II b giM bri. HUHA''t.(i Kt-Lk-Y, o i-4 kfr '-I kg- It. IB. Mail Sh f Kur.Jl. .A-SB serf I ritsxtWi aTtaaf sal So-ti-.i bj at r-o a. o.am motIt tit eoeneef Bat-irsl rbuo-ewar.br Frof BaTOJ.R4,e,etalICar4a,wUlk.dh-wa,;ut Mat Sri ill -.aaof M'chaa.ja.ui cnt snybtnes ss sisal Vt awjilM vorlctis ara . and jo w UaVlai, tsucUtima. atalIbseiarie olject f V'' spphrttJea pf the outuaa wtha nargol wonroat a f If a a 1 1 be belrT hx rk TTawwttb ,r.A niet - wervie oa araa motto.II 153554b96e