Oci Dll Or Ora803 Dll Could Not Be Loaded ##TOP##
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When OCIW32.DLL is loaded, a table of function pointers is filled. The tableis called the function table. All OCI functions that are available inthe current version of OCI are added to this table. The table is initializedonce during OCIW32.
If you are using any other version of oracle database, you need to modify the library information in the lrd.ini file, located in the product's bin folder. This file contains the settings that indicate which version of database support is loaded during recording or replay. The file contains a section for each type of host.
The file for OCILIB contains the library information of the OCILIB version installed. The OCILIB version of the DLL you're using is not available in this file, so you need to read the file for the actual version of OCILIB your program was built with.
Under each host type, there is a field entry that represents the hostname.The type of host that is most commonly used is the Oracle Client. In orderto point out the function pointers, each table entry must have a field called Function. This field is a list of function name. Each entry in this list is a pointer to one of the OCI_CallType function pointers.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc